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Thank you for taking the time to click and visit The Concussion Blog. Over the past 10+ years a lot has changed; one thing has not – my passion for educating about concussion and athletic training.

If this is your first visit here there is a lot to see and plenty to read. If you have been here before there is not much that has changed other than reading, over the years, how much has changed.

The reason for this landing page is that I am officially re-branding The Concussion Blog exclusively on Twitter. However, this blog will remain for contact and information purposes (probably an occasional post).

The brand of The Concussion Blog is: Advancement of Management of Concussion and to Advocate for Athletic Training.

I would also like to announce/advertise that I am available forĀ Consulting and Speaking on the subjects of: concussion education, return-to-learn paradigm, return-to-play specifics, research and products. Often the cost it just time, but as with anything in life time is valuable. Please inquire via email for consulting and speaking engagements.

Please take some time and view the archived posts (Blog Posts above in menu) and use them for your education.

Thank you,


Dustin Fink